


Product Description

The sugarcane harvester is equipped with full-hydraulic drive.It can continuously and automatically complete the whole harvesting process of picking up fallen cane, topping,cutting, transmitting, truncating ,separating cane and top, loading with truck elevator. It suits the sugarcane field of large area to use, gently topography, standardized cultivation.The harvester is more effective in picking up the asprawl cane.


Product Specification 





高雄市前鎮區武德街135巷24號        信件請寄: 高雄市郵政信箱1394號

Tel: (07) 7169249        Fax: (07) 2134620

e-mail : shiu@ksts.seed.net.tw             e-Mail : agri-machine@weizhou.com.tw      http//www.weizhou.com.tw/Agrimachine/sugarplanter/index.htm


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